Golf Stretching Routine
A golf stretching routine helps players enhance their ability to play excellent strokes by improving golf fitness and flexibility.
A few ignorant people believe that there is nothing athletic about golf, but those who play the sport know that they have to maintain a rigorous golf training program to gain the required strength and flexibility to perform well. A regular golf stretching routine enables players to acquire skill, follow good technique and focus better.
Muscles used in Golf
The golf swing comprises four elements - the back swing, downswing, ball strike and follow-through. To generate torque and increase club head speed, core muscles are used. Hamstring muscles play an important role in helping players maintain proper posture. Quadriceps help players to flex their knees.
For rotation during the backswing, the upper back muscles are used. These muscles also help players maintain an erect spine. To position the upper body and generate speed, the shoulder muscles, (especially the rotator cuff muscles) come into play. Forearm muscles are used to control the golf club as well as to support the wrists. Muscles in the fingers and wrists are also significantly focused on during a golf stretching routine.
The Benefits of a Golf Stretching Routine
Muscle strain and sore muscles are quite common among golf players. By performing a regular golf stretching routine, players can expect the following benefits:
* Muscles loosen up through stretching, enabling the player to relax during the swing. This relaxation further helps improve accuracy, increase confidence and the ability to perform better and swing faster and harder.
* Over the time, you will find it easier to move in your swing, as stretching will make your body more flexible and increase range of motion.
* A regular golf stretching routine can help prevent injuries like:º Rotator cuff tendonitis, a condition that causes acute irritation in the shoulder tendons and muscles.º Knee tendonitis, a condition that causes irritation in the knee tendons and muscles.º Musculotendinous overuse injuries, generally of the shoulder and elbow.
* Finally, even the most basic golf stretching routine can just make you feel better. Glossing over it in your regular golf training, however, could cost you dearly.
Despite the numerous benefits, it is important to bear in mind that stretching can have detrimental effects when done incorrectly. Improperly done stretches can over time cause permanent damage to ligaments and joint. When performing the stretching routine below, be sure to warm up first and if any of the exercises cause pain or severe discomfort, discontinue immediately. Review our article on the rules for safe stretching for more information.
Watch the Golf Stretching Routine
Click on the play button below to watch the 10 minute golf stretching routine video.